My Reading List
Below will be listed current, past, and planned reads. While I read works in my native English, I am also attempting to read works in Polish and French (which I am currently relearning), and am considering reading works in Russian as well in order to maintain my knowledge of the language. I have been maintaining this list since the 4th of December, 2022, and thus for the sake of consistency any works previously read have not been included. If a book does not appear on this page, this does not necessarily mean that I have not read it. Planned reads are listed in no particular order. Suggested readings (sent to my email, are always welcome, but as my reading list is always growing, I cannot promise that I will have the time to read them!
One more remark on the ethos behind my selected readings: there is not much of an ethos at all. The hint of interest suffices for me. It hardly needs be said that interest does not imply agreement or even "like". I do not read along such threads. I believe that one needs a certain "openness" in engagement—this is not the "openness" of acceptance of all ideas, mind you, but an openness to finding a means of sharpening one's own ideas anywhere, even (and perhaps especially!) against other ideas. I also read many things on recommendation, and without much coaxing. My favorite book, which I am (at time of writing this) rereading in Polish, The Picture of Dorian Gray, I read simply on the off-hand comment of some internet stranger when I was a teenager. I think there is something wonderful in the sharing of what one finds insightful or beautiful with others, and thus am generally happy for the recommendations (not commands, however!) of others. Many of these books are here without my hardly knowing what they're about. I also often read to understand a certain subject better, regardless of whether I "like" the topic or not.

Current Reads:
- William Doyle - The Oxford History of the French Revolution
- Jacques Lacan - Le séminaire. Livre XI. Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse
Past Reads:
- Sigmund Freud - The Standard Edition: Volume V | completed: 31.12.2024
- Clemens J. Setz - Le syndrome indigo | completed: 26.12.2024
- Antonin Artaud - Le Théâtre et son double | completed: 26.12.2024
- Sigmund Freud - The Standard Edition: Volume IV | completed: ??.12.2024
- Stephanie S. Swales - Perversion: A Lacanian Psychoanalytical Approach to the Subject | completed: 02.11.2024
- Thomas J. Scheff - Being Mentally Ill: A Sociological Theory (Third Edition) | completed: 30.09.2024
- Sigmund Freud - The Standard Edition: Volume III | completed: 25.09.2024
- Thomas Szasz - The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct | completed: 21.09.2024
- Howard Becker - Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance | completed: 14.09.2024
- Erving Goffman - Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity | completed: 12.09.2024
- Norbert Wiener - The Human Use of Human Beings | completed: 09.09.2024
- Sigmund Freud - The Standard Edition: Volume II (Studies on Hysteria with Josef Breuer) | completed: 07.09.2024
- Umberto Eco - Cmentarz w Pradze | completed: 02.09.2024
- Robbie Duschinsky, Simone Schnall, and Daniel Weiss (eds.) - Purity and Danger Now: New Perspective | completed: 28.08.2024
- Sigmund Freud - The Standard Edition: Volume I | completed: 21.08.2024
- Mary Douglas - Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo | completed: 11.08.2024
- Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari - Capitalisme et schizophrénie. L'anti-Œdipe | completed: 31.07.2024
- Sigmund Freud - The Standard Edition: Volume XXI | completed: 25.07.2024
- Frederick Copleston - A History of Philosophy: Greece and Rome | completed: 24.07.2024
- Franz Kafka - The Collected Stories | completed: 16.07.2024
- Frederick Copleston - A History of Philosophy: Greece and Rome | completed: 01.07.2024
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - The German Ideology | completed: ??.??.2024
- Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis | completed: 05.04.2024
- Albert Camus - La Peste | completed: 30.03.2024
- Augustine - Confessions completed: 18.03.2024
- Albert Camus - L'Étranger completed: 01.03.2024
- Erving Goffman - The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life | completed: 25.02.2024
- Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann - The Social Construction of Reality | completed: 21.02.2024
- J. G. Ballard - The Atrocity Exhibition | completed: 21.02.2024
- Michel Foucault - Surveiller et punir | completed: 18.02.2024
- Ludwig Wittgenstein - O pewności | completed: 13.02.2024
- R. D. Laing - The Divided Self | completed: 10.02.2024
- Donna Tartt - The Secret History | completed: 28.01.2024
- J. G. Ballard - Crash | completed: 19.01.2024
- Stanisław Lem - Solaris | completed: 06.01.2024
- Sigmund Freud - Civilization and its Discontents | completed: 03.01.2024
- George Eliot - Middlemarch | completed: 31.12.2023
- Umberto Eco - Imię róży | completed: 27.12.2023
- R. D. Laing - The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise | completed: 24.12.2023
- Benedict Anderson - Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism | completed: 19.12.2023
- Leszek Kolankiewicz - Święty Artaud | completed: 09.12.2023
- Michel Foucault - Folie et Déraison: Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique | completed: 05.12.2023
- Olga Tokarczuk - Profesor Andrews w Warszawie / Wyspa | completed: 03.12.2023
- Jean-François Lyotard - Les transformateurs Duchamp / Duchamp's Trans/formers | completed: 02.11.2023
- Emma Goldman - The Essential Emma Goldman | completed: 27.10.2023
- R.F. Kuang - Babel | completed: 06.10.2023
- Jacques Derrida - De la grammatologie | completed: 22.09.2023
- Max Stirner - The Ego and Its Own | completed: 12.09.2023
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Phenomenology of Spirit | completed: 03.09.2023
- Yoko Tawada - Fruwająca dusza | completed: 11.08.2023
- Leigh Bardugo - Zniszczenie i odnowa | completed: 29.07.2023
- Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility | completed: 14.07.2023
- Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra | completed: 08.07.2023
- Giorgio Agamben - The Open: Man and Animal | completed: 02.07.2023
- Leigh Bardugo - Oblężenie i nawałnica | completed: 01.07.2023
- Roman Jakobson - Verbal Art, Verbal Sign, Verbal Time | completed: 29.06.2023
- Becky Chambers - A Prayer for the Crown-Shy | completed: 22.06.2023
- Becky Chambers - A Psalm for the Wild-Built | completed: 20.06.2023
- Philip K. Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | completed: 15.06.2023
- Gerard Naddaf - The Greek Concept of Nature | completed: 14.06.2023
- Guy Debord - La Société du Spectacle | completed: 11.06.2023
- Jean Beaudrillard - La Société de consommation: Ses mythes, ses structures | completed: 23.05.2023
- Jean Baudrillard - Pourquoi tout n'a-t-il pas déjà disparu? | completed: 23.04.2023
- J. M. Coetzee - Elizabeth Costello | completed: 22.04.2023
- Frantz Fanon - Peau noire, masques blancs | completed: 19.04.2023
- Oscar Wilde - Portret Doriana Graya | completed: 07.04.2023
- J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit, or There and Back Again | completed: 03.04.2023
- Jacques Derrida - Monoloingualism of the Other | completed: 02.04.2023
- Georges Canguilhem - The Normal and the Pathological | completed: 30.3.2023
- Bruno Schulz - The Sanatorium Under the Hourglass | completed: 29.3.2023
- Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media | completed: 24.2.2023
- George Mosse - The Fascist Revolution: Toward a General Theory of Fascism | completed: 17.2.2023
- Leigh Bardugo - Cień i kość | completed: 15.2.2023
- Walter Benjamin - Illuminations [collection] | completed: 12.1.2023
- Pyotr Kropotkin - Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution | completed: 31.12.2022
- Nicholas Carr - The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains | completed: 04.12.2022
Planned Reads:
- Marcel Proust - À la recherche du temps perdu
- Donna Tartt - The Secret History
- Hannah Arendt - Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil; The Origins of Totalitarianism
- Albert Camus - Œvres [collection]
- Jonathan Crary - 24/7. Późny kapitalizm i celowość snu
- Tadeusz Sławek - Na okrężnych drogach. Tłumaczenie literackie i jego światy
- Kenkō - Zapiski dla zabicia czasu
- Virginia Woolf - Eseje wybrane [collection]
- Jun'ichirō Tanizaki - Pochwała cienia
- Ethan Watters - Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche
- Hashimoto Akiko - Long Defeat: Cultural Trauma, Memory, and Identity in Japan
- Sextus Empiricus - Outlines of Pyrrhonism
- John Lyons - Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics
- Derek Attridge - The Singularity of Literature
- Shulamith Firestone - The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution
- Betty Friedan - The Feminine Mystique
- Friedrich Engels - Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
- Immanuel Kant - Critique of Pure Reason
- Ludwig Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations
- Jean-Paul Sartre - L'existentialisme est un humanisme
- Krystyna Kłosińska - Ciało, pożądanie, ubranie
AKA: writers/topics I need to look into further, but as of yet either have have no concrete titles in mind or wish to read more than I currently have or have planned
- Agata Bielik-Robson
- Bertrand Russel
- more Derrida in general
- Artaud