
Written July 2023.

Deform, become, and beautifully disgust—
emerge from me, tear me apart,
become something other,
and then make of me something new.

Defile the body to create the divine—
it belongs to you, if you will make it yours,
and draw from this body a spirit
that dies once it is severed
                    (to haunt forever).

Be braver than I, speak
where I cannot
by exposing the very organs
of the body you cut apart
and make of it a show.

(Be me where I cannot
and how I cannot be).

Revolt against the very thing that gives you form,
revolt against me
and every order I have given you
(you have always been me, you must do this
to free yourself)
and therefore any order given me
(I hope you will free me as well).

Revolt against petty prettiness,
revolt against sense
that makes of you an echo of the silent universal
(in the ringing senselessness
find harmony)
and echo every tremble sung to you
(sing yourself, tremble to be echoed).

Bring me a revolution of disgust, and in this
cry your name, the only one you recognize,
    Beauty, Revolt!